What is dua to prevent miscarriage?

Questions: QuestionsWhat is dua to prevent miscarriage?
Sabihah Attia asked 2 years ago
3 Answers
Akhtar Bhai Spiritual Healer answered 2 years ago

This is the most powerful dua to prevent miscarriage.

Bismillah Illazi La Yadurru ma-asmihi Shai-Un Fill Ardi Wala Fis Samaa-e Wahu Wass-Samee-Ul Aleem

Recite this dua before sleeping 111 times during pregnancy to prevent your miscarriage. This is a very effective dua if you already have miscarriage symptoms and want to prevent it.

Thanks to Sabiha who asked this question What is the dua for miscarriage in Islam? This question has been asked many times before. This answer will not help only one person but others too to prevent miscarriage using this given dua.

Haadiya Hanan answered 2 years ago
Akhtar Bhai it is being ten years now, I am not be able to pregnant even I pregnant miscarriage happen again and again. Should I do this dua to prevent miscarriage? Or if you can provide me another dua or solution I will be thankful to you. Please Help.
Akhtar Bhai Spiritual Healer replied 2 years ago

Dear Sister, Ten years is a very long time, and I am sorry for what you are going through. Yes, you can do this dua to prevent miscarriage. Also, keep doing Istighfar and Sadqah regularly. At the same time, make sure to see a good doctor as well. I pray for you. May Allah bless you with a healthy baby soon, Inshallah.

Akhtar Bhai Spiritual Healer answered 8 months ago
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